Research, Pt 3

Yesterday, I read the eBook I referenced in my 2nd post. Well, it didn't help any. It was basically a guide to help you choose a premade template. Or well that's what I got out of it. There were the very very basic customization of template (change the background image, font and color, I think) but that was it.

BUT, I did found a pretty awesome website with very good tutorials to customize your blogger template. It's Help Logger, and I've found quite a few new tutorials for customizing things I didn't think you even could, like removing the Powered by Blogger note at the bottom of the template.

I'm going through some tutorials and saving the ones which I would like to implement down the line. So many things to customize, it's gonna take a while!

I did want to share how I am organizing my saved links for future reference. I use OneNote Notebooks to organize pretty much everything in my life right now. I know some people like paper notebooks better, but I seriously think that electronic Notebooks are becoming more and more useful because we have so much electronic information to keep track of, and printing is so wasteful.

So I have a OneNote notebook dedicated to my Blog, and a Section for my Blog Design. I've got a page in there that I'm collecting links to tutorials and they are separated by which section the tutorial is for (header, post, sidebar, footer, social media etc).

Sometimes, you don't know you want to customize your blog a certain way because you don't even realize it's possible. This way, I'm perusing different tutorials and noting what I CAN do, and later I will chose what I WILL do. I'm still curious, because most tutorials only tell you what you need to know for that tutorial, and might not give you all the options possible. I wonder how much more you could customize beyond just that tutorial but still the same element.

I want to make a sorta series on how I use OneNote on my main blog Color Me Domestic, because it's really like my ultimate resource for absolutely everything, and I'm sure others can benefit from it too. All in due time I suppose.

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