Blog Content Organization: Project Gallery

Blog navigation, to me, is one of the most useful, and essential part of a blog. You want any readers coming to your blog to be able to find more stuff to read, which means more pageviews for you! So you have to help them find what they want, and more importantly, what they didn't even know they wanted!

At the beginning of your blog journey, you're gonna dab in a bit of this, and a bit of that. You may not know what your categories are, and you may not want to commit yourself right away. That's ok. I suggest you start a Project Gallery as soon as you can, though! You don't need to categorize, but as long as readers can easily find all your blog posts, that's what you want. Have a thumbnail of your most descriptive image, and your post title with it, that will suffice.

My Project Gallery was one of my 4 navigation buttons in my first blog design, and I think it really helped readers to find more content they might be interested in.

I've been using InLinkz Project Manager (formely Link Manager)(which is now unfortunately no longer free, but for 12$ a year I paid for it) to manage my Project Gallery. It does it all for me without me needing to code anything, just need to enter the information. Only thing is that I don't know how it will work with my responsive design, so I might need to change that out.

It doesn't matter how you do it, but as long as you have all your projects on one page, with a descriptive image and title, your readers will be happy. I say have both the image and title because I'm visual and I decide what I want to read most of the time based on the image, but sometimes I need to read the title to know what it's about, and sometimes it's the title not the image that intrigues me. Give your readers choices, not everyone browses the same way, and there's nothing wrong with that!

After some time blogging and x number of posts, you'll start seeing a pattern and categories will start to form themselves. That's when you want to further categorizes and sub categorize your posts. I'll talk about that next post.

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