Header Layout

When I started thinking about this new blog design, I knew I wanted to make better use of my header. The space above the fold is very precious real estate, it's the first bit of your blog a reader sees, it sets the tone and feel of a blog.

As much as I loved my old header, it was just an image, and it was not very useful in any other way. Ok, I did have a menu below it, that was useful, but that's it.

It's become more and more of a trend to put different elements right within the header, for ease of use to the reader. Social media icons, email subscription, search bar are all a common part of the header nowadays.

But I also find that everyone does it the same way. I wanted to incorporate more into the header, but make it different than what we're used to seeing on other blogs. I needed take it up a notch, and make it just a little more fun.

I also gave a lot of thought to how the various elements in the header would rearrange based on the screen size; for big screen PCs, tablets, and smartphones. I might just be really complicating things! We'll see. I've been putting off tackling the header because of this; I just don't know if and how it will work.

But enough procrastination, I had to start somewhere.

First things first, allow more gadgets into the header part of the blog layout. This tutorial will explain how to do that, and a little more. Easy peasy. Then you have to tweak the sizes and play with floats as you add new gadgets to make it go where you want it to.

What I decided to add to my header are the following: logo, pages menu, tagline, social media buttons (including follow buttons RSS and email), search bar, and navigation bar (for content, as oppose to the pages menu).

Don't get me started on knowing to do a pages/menu bar, vs/and a navigation bar. I've thought a LOT about how to organize the blog, and I might still change things around; I'll probably write about that at one point. Navigation and blog organization is a HUGE thing for me!! And it gets all the more trickier with responsive design.

So, after a lot of thinking, at non appropriate times... (it really gets all consuming this blog design thing!), I've come up with the following layout for the blog, at desktop resolution:

I know it's busy. But hopefully I will be able to make it really pretty, functional, and... flowy, for lack of a better term. There's gonna be lots of trial and error!!

Now that that's done, I gotta do the graphic elements for the different parts. I'm a real big fan of hover effects, but I'd like the hover effects to be achieved with CCS(3), so I don't have to have 2 different images, and so it saves on load times. I've got a lot of great ideas, especially from this article: . It. will. be. AWESOME! I'll also probably be using effects like opacity, background color (with transparent elements in the image so the background shows through), make an image bigger.

BUT, and this is the sad part, I recently realized that tablets won't be able to see all my cool hover effects. sniff sniff. I'll probably try out the :pressed pseudo class (pseudo element? can't remember which is which right now), at least there will be the hover effect for the split second someone touches the button on a touchscreen. And probably :active too. Same effect at active as hover and pressed. That is the plan!

Now the thing will be not to overdue it. I think there's gonna be a fine line, and I'll probably be walking RIGHT on it's edge. I REALLY LOVE hover effects!!


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