Translucent Backgrounds and Round Corners

One of the rules defined in CSS3 is opacity of background images. The moment I read that I knew I'd be taking advantage of that feature to do something I had in my head.

I wanted to make my outer-wrapper container translucent, so that it frames the entire blog but still shows a bit of the beautiful background I've got going on. So I set the color to white and then added the little bit of code for opacity. Easy peasy! Right?!

Wrong! Turns out, this affects everything inside the container. All the text all the images are now also transclucent. Not what I was going for!! So after a bit of digging, it turns out the best (only?) way to do this is to create a transclucent png image and use that as a background image.

So I just created a small wide transclucent white image to use.

I used the same CSS code as for my body background. Size 100%, fixed, repeat y, and voila, that's what I wanted!

Yet, I don't know if it looks all that right. I'm leaving it for now, we'll see how it works as I add graphic elements like the header graphics etc.

Ok, one more thing here, I'm adding round corners to my containers. I just really don't like how square corners look, here or in real life. When I do wood projects, I pretty much always sand down the corners and edges so they aren't perfectly square.

Following this tutorial: Rounded corners using CSS without Images.

Of course things are never that easy. I should have seen this coming. Rounded corners are a property set to borders, which means I needed to add a border, which I don't necessarily want. So fine ok I set it to white, the same color as the background, it won't show.

But then I forgot that adding a border to a container contributes to it's width, and since I already took up all the available width as I mentioned in my last post, so the sidebar fell off below the main post area. Easy enough fix, remove 1% from one of the widths. Now I just hope it doesn't break at a small screen size.

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